The establishment of a second processing line in Mau Tea factory is a major step being considered by the board of directors in line with its strategic plans. When implemented, the 2nd processing line will go a long way in supporting tea value addition, cutting down production costs and improving the shareholder earnings.
This project will provide a spare processing line to the current processing line and will ensure continuous production activity during planned maintenance activities. It will also give increased capacity required to cope with excess crop during peak seasons.
Mau Tea Replaces Old Tea bushes with new ones
It’s important to note that Mau Tea Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd has taken a strategic decision to renew its old tea plantations and this translates to higher green leaf output in the near future. This coupled with expanding Outgrower outreach programme will call for expanded processing capacity in the factory. The current processing line is licensed to process 5 million kilos of green leaf per year, but it’s worth noting that since inception in 2012 the factory has doubled this capacity. The existing space within the factory can comfortably accommodate two processing lines and small adjustments will be required in increasing the withering space and the packing rooms.
Therefore with the expansion of the Outgrower programme together with renewal of old tea bushes with new better quality tea clones will require higher processing capacity. This new development will give Mau Tea better competitive edge in the Tea industry.